Vital Social Issues n' Stuff with Kelley Anne

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Shyer" or "Shier" Than You Think...

shy (adj.) = easily frightened; timid
= not at ease with others; bashful
= distrustful; wary

I've been thinking about being shy lately. Generally my demeanor is friendly but cautious when I'm meeting new people, especially in a new group. I like to figure out where I fit or how I fit before I reveal more of myself, relax, etc.

Being back in London though, the shyness is up. I think it's because I continue to see people I maybe kinda knew in high school*, or really didn't know in high school, or their parents (or even close friends from high school's parents) and I'm not sure how to act. Do I say "hi"? Would they remember me? Do I open up: "Hi _______, I'm Kelley from Oakridge"?, is it presumptuous to assume they'd know me? Ahhh awkwardness.

*or elementary school, or teachers, or parents friends...


Blogger Anna said...

oh heehee Kelley. I never thought of you being shy. I thought of you being really sweet though. Yeah. those situations you mentioned about in Ontario...those are tricky cuz you don't want to embarrase yourself or others. Or could you say..."hey... I'm really sorry but where have we met?"?

11:15 PM  
Blogger The Barretts said...

I totally know what you mean! It's so weird when you're at home and you run into people you went to high school with. I feel like I always remember them, but do they remember me??? And maybe we weren't really friends, but should you still say hi!??

Ah, the akwardness....

1:48 PM  

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