Vital Social Issues n' Stuff with Kelley Anne

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Recently I went to Wendy's for lunch with my coworkers. At the cashier I paid debit. As I was punching in my debit choices I had to pause and laugh because who dips into their "savings" account for lunch at Wendy's?

Picture it: you're all ready to pay that down payment on a new home and then you remember all those Wendy's lunches, video rentals, hair cuts etc. What have you been "saving"!?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Top Five Bachelors in Halifax

This is not a game of "hot or not". This is my top five bachelors in Halifax, they are Christian men over the age of twenty three (hey you have to put up some parameters), under the age of thirty. They are not married and they are also not in a relationship at time of posting. It has yet to be empirically tested. I'm still awaiting their individual persuasions regarding the end times to really help you understand them. It may be based more on proximity and who I saw this past weekend and who agreed to let me post them above all else. Nonetheless, they are great guys and here they are from left to right:

The Pharmacist *
age: 26
passion: food (cooking and eating), electronics, his church
edge: keen eye for a good bargain, plays guitar, leadership

The "Tallest" Hobo
age: 26
passion: helping people, photography
edge: "outdoorsy", optimist, does own laundry

The Hopeful Graduate
age: 23
passion: travel, teaching French, the outdoors
edge: intelligent, outgoing, personable

The Lieutenant
age: 25
passion: writing, the Bible, soccer
edge: independent, witty, British, home owner

The Fifth
This is the bachelor for you to choose! Who do you think is missing from the list? Let me know who and why by Sunday April 23 at 7pm and I'll post our dear number five!!

*not their real names but pseudonyms created to protect their anonymity
(Special thanks to Nick Miller and Josh Wong for their help with this entry)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Eugen to the Rescue

Today my co-worker Josh sent me an email directing me to a certain electronic store's website to buy a USB flashcard for $9.99. What a thoughtful and helpful guy! He knew I was in need of one but awaiting a sale price.
I tried to order it online... didn't work... tried to print out the information on it... printer's out of ink... so off to the shop I went!

At said store I was helped by a tall, clean cut Eastern European twentysomething, let's call him "Davor". He got me the USB card and proudly announced it was on sale for $49.99...
I was concerned. We went to the webpage together and the price did in fact read $49.99. He let me check my email and show him the email from Josh-- but this time the link read $49.99 -- not $9.99 as it did an hour ago! Davor asked another coworker about it who said it may have been a temporary glitch on the website and pointed out that I didn't have any proof of the $9.99 offer. They both agreed that such a promotion wouldn't exist because the discount wouldn't cover the product cost.

I was frustrated and upset. I had driven out to the shop for the sole purpose of purchasing this flashcard. I thanked him anyway and turned to leave... in that same moment another taller, Eastern European man (let's call him "Eugen" somewhat less stylish than Davor) approached Davor with the printout of the website featuring the card for $9.99! Davor called me back, down trodden I had already turned to leave the shop, and nodded to the printout evidence with a smile.

Yay! I finally have a USB flashcard and for the phenomenal price of $9.99 (with the mail in rebate which I have to do...).
Thanks Josh. Thanks Davor. Thanks Eugen.
Next up.... learning how to use the flashcard... and maybe purchasing one of those neat necklace/keychain things so I don't lose it!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Very Special Shout Out

To Nancy MacDonald.
I'm sorry I missed you when you were in town!
Hope all is well in Cape Breton and thanks for reading the blog!
I think you'll enjoy what's in the works!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Top Five Friends Who Are More Sensitive Than I Thought:

1. Darren Lung
2. Christa Mews
3. Adam Greely
4. my brothers
5. Andrea "Chiquita" McCullough

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Last summer I wrote "haiku's of the new testament" for a class assignment. It was a good decision for me because I needed to do something different, with some creative freedom and it forced me to examine the books of the new testatment more closely... seventeen syllables more closely.

I've been studying Isaiah since January (?!) from the exhortation: "you want to know more about God you read Isaiah" or something like that. I'm kinda sad it's coming to a close, but it was a persevering work the first forty chapters. Today I'm on chapter 59. A lot of things in my life right now are coming to a close. I think I will write a haiku of Isaiah to sum things up when I've finsihed. Maybe I'll write a haiku of my year too...?!

A sample haiku from one of the gospels... do you know which one it is?

three years of the great
I AM He I AM the way
believe and be saved

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Top Five People I'm Not Friends with Anymore

1. Darren Lung
2. Christa Mews
3. Adam Greely
4. my brothers
5. Andrea "Chiquita" McCullough

**maybe I should've entitled this "stirring the pot 101"

A Very Special Thank You

to the team who helped me pick out my specs:
Christine, Sarah and Cliff.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Kennie's Back in Town!

I was so excited to have Kennie and Jill show up at my door tonight!! Kendra is back in town for the month which is wonderful because I have about a month left in Halifax until I head West! It's been a night of dessert, boy talk, fashion shows, theology, celebrity look-a-like-talks, baking, blog stalking, and some good old fashioned MJ!!
"Let's dance! Let's shout! Shake it baby!!"
*check out the new frames!! spec-tacular eh?